
My wedding vows

This probably is the most negative wedding vows ever. In one of my favourite movie, "Picnic", the leading actress CoCo said, "the day I was born, the world was born. The day I died is the end of the world." Tomorrow, tomorrow is always a luxury dream for me. You all know that my favourite lines is "tomorrow is another day." But I'm the person who never knows where is tomorrow. Does tomorrow really exist? Everyday I wake up, I so wish that will be the end of the world. Every night I sleep, I so wish there won't be tomorrow anymore. But someday, at a magic point made me met someone who has been and will always be changing my life. That person is you, Arief, my love and my only one. In the past, I tried and tried so hard to survive to believe that tomorrow will be another day, but you, you, just as an exist, just standing there is already more than anything, more than any evidence, more than thousand words, to tell me that tomorrow, tomorrow is really another day. Thus, I won’t said, “no matter for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part”, those are for the optimistic couples, although it is a fact now.

I love you, I love you so much, I love you more than anything or anyone in the world, but that you’ve already known. What I want to say is, I will live, I will try my best to live, and I want to live by your side. I’ve given my love to you and now, I will give my life to you, and hold your life in my hands to through all the tests we have been overcome in the past and those we might face in the future. So, yes, I will give you my life and to see each sunrise, each sunset and each tomorrow with you until my dying day. So many words, but these words still cannot express my feelings, and my gift is my song and this is for you:
