


又站在你家的門口 我們重複沉默
這樣子單方面的守候 還能多久

雖然你還握著我的手 但我已不在 你心中

我真的懂 你不是喜新厭舊
是我沒有 陪在你身邊當你寂寞時候
別再看著我說著你愛過 別太傷痛
我不難過 這不算什麼 只是為什麼眼淚會流我也不懂

就讓我走 讓我開始享受自由
回憶很多 你的影子也會充滿我生活
我並不懦弱 你比誰都懂
雖然寂寞 這會是我 最後的寬容

雖然你還握著我的手 但我已不在 你心中

我真的懂 你不是喜新厭舊
是我沒有 陪在你身邊當你寂寞時候
別再看著我說著你愛過 別太傷痛
我不難過 這不算什麼 只是為什麼眼淚會流我也不懂

就讓我走 讓我開始享受自由
回憶很多 你的影子也會充滿我生活
我並不懦弱 你比誰都懂
雖然寂寞 這會是我 最後的寬容

抱緊我 再抱緊我
這一份感動 請你讓我留在胸口
別再說 是你的錯
愛到了盡頭 是非對錯就讓它隨風
忘了所有 過得比你快活

我真的懂 你不是喜新厭舊
是我沒有 陪在你身邊當你寂寞時候
別再看著我說著你愛過 別太傷痛
我不難過 這不算什麼 只是為什麼眼淚會流我也不懂

不要再說 或許這是最好的結果
現在分手 總好過你不愛我一拖再拖
鬆開你的手 離開你左右
我向前走 這會是我 成長的解脫


Some Questions About Me

(For some friends, I will answer these questions in English again. XD)(Ok, you know I love you guys.....)





1.最後悔的事是什麼? What is the most thing you regret?
我從來不後悔。 I never regret.

2.最近讓你快樂的事,是什麼事? What makes you happy recently?
認識新朋友。 Make new friends.

3.你目前對人生的看法是? What is your opinion to your life now?
平安。 To have a peaceful life.

4.你最無法忍受他人在你面前做出什麼樣的舉動或是行為? What behaviour you can not stand that other people do it in front of you?
沒頭腦的亂講話。 Talking without thinking.

5.對目前的週遭生活還滿意嗎? Are you satisfied with your life now?
是。 Yes.

6.最受不了自己的哪個缺點? What is the worst shortcomings you don't like?
不積極。 Not positive.

7.如果有不開心的事情,你會怎麼辦? If there's any thing makes you unhappy, what will you do?
去大吃跟半夜在街上唱歌。 Eating a lot and singing on the street at midnight.

8.什麼事情是你這輩子最想完成的夢想? What is the dream you want to accomplish in your life?
嫁人(默) To marry to someone. (silence.......)

9.五年內比較想實現的目標是什麼? What is the goal you want to achieve in 5 years?
應該要回答拿到博士吧,但是我不介意先拿到Tiffany。(笑) I suppose to answer to get PhD, right? But I don't mind, if I got Tiffany first. (laugh)

10.遇到這輩子最快樂的事情,最想立刻跟誰分享? Whom will you share with if the happiest thing comes to you?

11.孤獨是什麼? What is loneliness?
是人生必要的狀態。是你如何與自己相處。 A necessary status in your life, and how do you stay with yourself.

12.婚姻對你而言是什麼? What is marriage to you?
一個承諾。一種生活。一段關係。一種制度。一顆Tiffany! A commitment, a life, a relationship, a system, and a Tiffany!

13.如果你中了四億樂透,你會不會跟你的另一伴說你中獎了? If you won 4 hundred million lottery, will you tell your partner this?
會。不過需要分他嗎?我想要買一整間圖書館。 Yes, but do we need to share? (ha) I want to but a library.

14.說出點你名的人的3個優點? Please notified three excellences from the one who choose you into this game.
熱心。契而不捨。誠實。 passion, never easily give up, honest.

15.你愛不愛點你名的人?講句想對他說的話唄~ Do you love her or him? Please tell something to her or him.
愛,但不是那種愛。小心美麗的女人。Yes, but not that kind of love. Be careful the beautiful women. (They are spiders.)

16.最羨慕哪一種人? What kind of people do you admire?
純樸簡單的人。 the simple one.

17.如果可以讓你擁有一項超能力,你想要哪種? If you ca own a superpower, what will you want?
飛。(可以說還想要跟暴風女一樣嗎?) the ability to fly. (Can I say I wish to be the Storm?)

18.如果能讓你實現一個願望,會是什麼? If you can accomplish one wish immediately, what will that be?
立刻死去。 To die immediately.

19.如果你曾經有夢想的話,你夢想的原型是什麼? If you had a dream, what is the ideal type of your dream?
我不是很懂這個題目。夢想的原型? I don't get it: the ideal type of my dreams?

20.如果上帝讓你可以在你人生裡,改變一件事,你希望是什麼? If God let you change one thing in your life, what will you wish for?
讓自己笨一點。 To make me a little stupid. (not to think too much?)

While you were sleeping,

there's a smile on your face.

I opened my eyes to look at you, tired face
with pure childish.
Made me almost can't handle my feeling to give
you a kiss.

I did.

And you turned away
to find a suitable position to sleep.

I smiled.

Now you probably slept again, I just image the way you might look tonight.

Wish that I could give you a kiss with angel's smile.